更新时间:2024-04-24 18:04:43作者:留学之路
Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her.
来源:网络期刊摘选This conflicted with views which held that no mineral should be more radioactive than metallic uraniurn.
来源:网络期刊摘选Much of America may be conflicted about who he is, but he is not.
许多美国人可能对小布什到底是怎样一个人而意见不一, 但小布什对自己却很有自知之明.
来源:网络期刊摘选Bush was a conflicted guy whose voice was a combination of John Wayne and Liberace.
来源:网络期刊摘选Since man entered the industrialization society, environmental protection and economy development have become conflicted economyenvironmental problems.
人类进入工业化社会以来, 环境保护与经济发展已成为一对尖锐的矛盾.
来源:网络期刊摘选The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.
来源:网络期刊摘选Without forgiveness, we are hollow men and women, empty and conflicted on the inside.
没有赦免, 我们就是空洞的男人和女人, 内心里满是空虚和矛盾.
来源:网络期刊摘选Surveying underground is influenced by all kinds of factors, which is frequently conflicted with other work.
井下测量作业受各种因素影响, 经常与其他工作发生冲突.
来源:网络期刊摘选Again, someone was suffering discomfort and participants felt conflicted about whether or not to intervene.
同样的, 某些人倍感不安,被试们对于是否应该干预犹豫不决.
来源:网络期刊摘选I can't help but feel conflicted in my emotions.