更新时间:2024-05-13 18:09:42作者:留学之路
Subscriber need pays the 30 % import customs duty and extra 5 % tax when it occur.
来源:网络期刊摘选Sorry! The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment , please redial later.
对不起, 你所拨打的号码正在通话中, 请稍候再拨!
来源:网络期刊摘选Subscriber: if the question has already been reported by the subscriber.
发表者: 如果问题已经被其他发表者报告过了.
来源:网络期刊摘选The subscriber pays installation and rental charges in addition to a charge for each call.
来源:网络期刊摘选Usually, an IMSI number stored on a SIM card can identify the subscriber on a network.
通常, 一个imsi数储存在SIM卡可以识别用户从一个网络.
来源:网络期刊摘选The publisher then fires the event using normal. NET eventing semantics and the subscriber is called.
来源:网络期刊摘选Do you want to validate Subscriber information automatically?
要自动验证订阅服务器的信息 吗 ?
来源:网络期刊摘选Subscriber grants CUHK the right to disclose to third parties certain Registration Data.
来源:网络期刊摘选China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.
来源:柯林斯词典例句库I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years.