beachhead 核心词议:
n. (军队的)滩头堡
beachhead 基本解释
beachhead 变化形式
复数: beachheads
易混淆的单词: Beachhead
1、 They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead.
- Establishing a beachhead is not the same thing as conducting a successful , long-term occupation .
- 建立一个滩头阵地不同于从事一个成功而长久的职业。
- They have moved abroad with " beachhead " offices that serve existing clients who do business around the world .
- 他们在海外成立“滩头堡”办事处服务世界各地做生意的客户。
- Establishing a beachhead in a market dominated by such giants required more power than clp could muster .
- 要在这些巨头主导的市场里建立一个据点,所需实力超出了中电控股的能力范围。
- To woo hollywood , hastings turned to ted sarandos , who oversees a staff of 75 at netflix 's beverly hills beachhead .
- 为了争取好莱坞,黑斯廷斯转向特德萨兰多斯,他负责netflix的贝佛利山庄滩头,手下有七十五名员工。
- Thirteen liberty ships , deliberately scuttled to form a breakwater for invasion vessels landing on the normandy beachhead lie in line off the beach , shielding the ships in shore .
- 盟军故意凿沉30艘自由轮,在海滩外排成行,为登陆诺曼底滩头堡的舰船形成防浪堤,保护靠岸的舰船。