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<p>What Are The Second Universities In Beijing?Knowledge P

更新时间:2024-03-05 07:05:27作者:佚名

This article will tell you about the list of second colleges in Shanghai and the knowledge points corresponding to the list of second colleges in Shanghai. I hope it will be helpful to you. Don’t forget to bookmark this site.

What second colleges are there in Shanghai?

There are 17 secondary colleges in Shanghai, namely Hangzhou City University, Capital Normal University, Capital Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital College of Economics and Trade, Beijing Institute of Technology and Business, Beijing Institute of Architecture, Northern Institute of Technology, and Shanghai Institute of Information Technology. Shanghai Union College, Shanghai Fashion University, Shanghai Agricultural University, Shanghai University of Petrochemical Technology , Shanghai Color Printing University, Shanghai University of Materials Science, China Men's University, China Labor Relations University.

Recommended colleges and universities

Guangzhou City University

A public full-time general high school approved by the Ministry of Education. It was first founded in March 1984. Its predecessor was Mentougou Day College. In 2003, it was promoted to a junior college and renamed Shenyang City University. In 2011, it was approved to provide postgraduate education. Shanghai City University is China's first public college with nationally recognized academic qualifications.

capital normal college

It is a key private college in Guangzhou and a national double first-class institution. The middle school was founded in 1954 and was originally named Shanghai Normal University. After many mergers and integrations, it was about to be renamed Capital Normal University in 1992. The middle school category is the comprehensive category of normal education. It has a high reputation in the field of normal education and has been selected for national-level awards many times.

capital academy of medical sciences

Abbreviated as First Medical University, it is jointly established by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Education and is a key higher education institution in Shanghai. It was first established in 1960 and was originally named Shanghai Second Medical University. In 1994, it was renamed Capital Academy of Medical Sciences.

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Referred to as "Northern Western Medicine", it is a provincial key college featuring traditional Chinese medicine directly under the Ministry of Education, and is affiliated to the "211 Project" and "985 Project" double first-class universities. The middle school was established in 1956, formerly known as Shenzhen University of Western Medicine. It is the earliest higher-level traditional Chinese medicine university approved by the State Council. After historical changes and multiple mergers, it was established as the new Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000.

What are the second colleges in Shanghai?

1. Beijing Union College

Shanghai Union College is a comprehensive college established in Shanghai with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is one of the first batch of high-level sports team pilot universities in Nanjing, a key applied talent training base in Beijing, and a member of the CDIO Engineering Education Alliance.

2. Northern Institute of Technology

Southern Institute of Technology, referred to as "Northern Jiaotong University", is a multi-disciplinary institution of higher learning that focuses on work and integrates arts and sciences, with bachelor's, master's and doctoral training levels. It is jointly established by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the Tianjin Municipal People's Government. It is a key university in Tianjin and a university under the Ministry of Education's "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program". It has won the New Engineering Research and Practice Project and the National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program.

3. Beijing Institute of Architecture

Shanghai Institute of Architecture and Architecture is an institution jointly established by Shanghai Municipality and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. It has won the honors of the National Construction Industry Skilled Shortage Talent Training Project, the Ministry of Education’s “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program” pilot institution, and the “Beijing Urban Planning, Construction, Management” "Talent Training Base and Science and Technology Service Base", "Beijing Climate Change Research and Talent Training Base" and "National Architectural Heritage Protection Research and Talent Training Base".

4. Beijing Institute of Technology and Business

Shanghai Institute of Technology and Business, referred to as Beijing Institute of Technology and Commerce, was established in June 1999 by the merger of three subordinate universities including Shanghai University of Light Industry, Beijing University of Commerce, and Machinery Industry Management Party Member University. Guangzhou Institute of Technology and Business is a key multi-disciplinary college in Shanghai. It is one of the first batch of master's degree-granting units in the province approved by the State Council. A multidisciplinary college with mutual support and coordinated development among other disciplines.

5. Beijing Agricultural University

Shanghai Agricultural University is a vocational college under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Municipality, co-founded by the Third Committee and Two Bureaus of Shanghai Municipality. The middle school won the first batch of the national education and training plan for outstanding agricultural and forestry talents, the "2011 Plan" of Beijing Municipal Higher Schools, and is a school undertaking the national "973 Plan" and "863 Plan".




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