

更新时间:2021-05-18 17:42:15作者:admin2


the times的排名
1 university of oxford 牛津大学
2 university of cambridge 剑桥大学
3 london school of economics and political science 伦敦政经学院
4 imperial college of science, technology and medicine 帝国理工
5 university college london 伦敦大学学院
6 durham university 杜伦大学
6 university of st andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学
8 university of warwick 华威大学
9 lancaster university 兰卡斯特大学
10 university of exeter 艾克赛特大学

the guardian的排名
1 cambridge
2 oxford
3 st andrews
4 london school of economics
5 ucl
6 warwick
7 lancaster
8 durham
9 loughborough
10 imperial college

the completed university guide的排名
1 cambridge
2 oxford
3 imperial college london
4 london school of economics
5 durham
6 st andrews
7 university college london
8 warwick
9 lancaster
10 bath

上一篇:SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_news where classid='480' order by rand() desc limit 1


    SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_news where classid='480' order by rand() desc limit 10

