更新时间:2024-10-06 15:46:59作者:留学之路
1. 卡内基梅隆大学哲学专业课程重点:
2. 卡内基梅隆大学哲学专业课程设置:
除了学生所在大学的一般教育要求外,哲学小学专业和其他专业还必须完成以下领域的80-100本《哲学概论》和九门“哲学”课程。必须在大三的第一学期之前完成《80-100哲学概论》的要求。其余九门课程中只有两门可能处于100级,而九门课程中只有两门必须处于300级或更高级别。如果在CMU修读所有十门课程,则必须修读字母等级并通过“ C”或更高的等级。一个80-100哲学导论技能测试,经学术课程经理的许可可以代替。学生应从1-4区的每个课程中选择一门课程,从5区的两个课程中选择,并可以在6区自由选择三门课程。学生可以将某门专业的另一门课程与另一门主修课程或副修课程重复计算。根据Dietrich College的要求,学生的“大挑战”第一年研讨会课程可能不会计入主要要求。
In addition to the general education requirements for the student's college, Philosophy primary majors and additional majors must complete 80-100 Introduction to Philosophy and nine Philosophy courses in the Areas listed below. The 80-100 Introduction to Philosophy requirement must be fulfilled before the first semester of the junior year. Only two of the remaining nine courses may be at the 100-level, and two of the nine courses must be at the 300-level or higher. All ten courses, if taken at CMU, must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of "C" or above. An 80-100 Introduction to Philosophy skills test, may be substituted with permission of the Academic Program Manager. Students are to choose one course out of each of the Areas 1-4, two courses out of Area 5, and may freely select three courses in Area 6. Students may double count any course for the major with another major or minor. As per the requirement of Dietrich College, a student's Grand Challenge First-Year Seminar course may not count toward the fulfillment of the major requirements.