更新时间:2023-01-30 08:02:56作者:佚名
WSP自1996年在德国慕尼黑成立,在四位拥有欧洲教育背景和国际化的设计实践经验的建筑师和环境设计师:吴钢、张瑛、陈凌、KNUD 的领导下,已成长为在德国慕尼黑和中国北京、上海三地拥有100多名规划师、建筑师、环境设计师和室内设计师留学建筑设计留学建筑设计,具有丰富的大型项目运作经验和众多成功合作客户的著名设计企业和行业先锋。
WSP Co.Ltd is a firm. Due to the in last 15 years, now the pubic and the have well its , its avant-garde and its which is well in their and works of urban , , large- and , , and , main-theme parks and , as well as the .
WSP was in , in 1996. All the four and , Mr.Wu Gang, Ms.Zhang Ying, Mr.Chen Ling and Mr.Knud , have their and . The firm has in , and , with over 70 , , and . It has one of the firm in China, rich for large- and with many .
Thus far,the works of WSP have broad and won of and , the Award of'' ,''the WA Award 2002.In 2004 the of WSP is on the list of the 100 most .
23,80333 ,
北京市海淀区车公庄西路19号 维思平楼
WSP No.19 West Road, ,
Tel:+86 10
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