更新时间:2024-09-21 16:01:25作者:留学之路
LASS(Laboratory Automation Solutions)是一种用于实验室自动化的解决方案。它通常包括用于自动化样品处理、实验操作、数据收集和分析等任务的软件和硬件设备。LASS可以帮助实验室工作人员提高工作效率、减少人为错误和提高实验结果的准确性。
1. Linear and Locally Smooth Approximation (LASS)
2. Least Absolute Shrinkage of Selection Error (LASSP)
3. Least Squares Smoothing (LASS)
4. Least Squares Smoothing Estimation (LSE)
5. Least Squares Smoothing Estimation with Automatic Selection of the Degree of Smoothing (LSE-LASSO)
6. LASSO-based Feature Selection
7. LASSO-based Feature Extraction
8. LASSO-based Feature Learning
9. LASSO-like Feature Selection
10. LASSO-like Feature Extraction