Judaism has several fast days, notably Yom Kippur. 犹太教一年之中有几个把斋日,特别是赎罪日。
Freud also believed that Moses was murdered in the wilderness, producing a collective sense of patricidal guilt which has been at the heart of Judaism ever since. 弗洛伊德也相信摩西是在荒野上被刺杀,此后在犹太教徒的心中产生一种杀父罪疚感的集体意识。
But the very high rate of Jewish out-marriage since World War II has caused an official rethinking among the progressive elements of American Judaism. 但是第二次世界大战以后,犹太人同外族通婚的比率极高,美国犹太主义者的进步力量便开始重新审视这一现象。