unsubstantiated 核心词议:
adj. 未经证实的,无事实根据的
unsubstantiated 基本解释
1、 I do object to their claim,which I find totally unsubstantiated.
- Throughout the conflict , unsubstantiated rumours suggested that algeria supplied the colonel with fuel , arms and transport for foreign mercenaries .
- 未经证实的传言指出,在整个冲突期间,阿尔及利亚给利政府军提供了燃料与弹药,并且负责了外国雇佣兵的运输。
- Huawei , the chinese telecoms company , has launched an aggressive counter-offensive against the us government , saying it is high time the us detail " unsubstantiated " national security concerns in the wake of a decision to block the business from building a national emergency communications network .
- 中国电信企业华为(huawei)向美国政府发起有力的反击,称美国应当详细说明“无事实根据的”国家安全担忧,此前美方决定禁止华为参与建设美国的全国应急通信网。
- This does seem rather a vague palliative , however , and mr osman 's occasional resort to unsubstantiated facts and dangling assertions does not help his argument .
- 然而,看起来这的确是一个含糊的姑息手段,偶尔的未经证实的事实和摇摆不定的断言对奥斯曼的论证并无帮助。
- It is important to point out that the latter group causes more anxiety for hoteliers , it seems-particularly when it comes to unsubstantiated negative comments from " guests . "
- 必须指出的是,后者似乎令酒店经营者更感到忧虑不安当这些网站上出现未经证实的“客户”负面评论时尤其如此。
- There are two efficient market hypotheses . One is the bold , unsubstantiated proposition that financial markets are close to perfect and all-knowing .
- 有效市场假说有两种:一种是大胆且未经证实的观点,认为金融市场近乎完美且无所不知。