popularize 核心词议:
vt. 及;使流行;使通俗化
popularize 基本解释
词根 popul, publ= people 人民 depopulate v. 减少人口 de 去掉 + popul 人民 + ate 使… → 去掉人口 → 减少人口 popular adj. 流行的 popul 人民 + ar …的 → 人民〔都喜欢〕的 → 流行的 popularity n. 大众性;流行 popular 流行的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 大众性;流行 popularize v. 大众化;推广 popular 流行的 + ize …化 → 大众化;推广 population n. 人口 popul 人民 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 人口 populous adj. 人口稠密的 popul 人民 + ous …的 → 人〔多〕的 → 人口稠密的 public adj. 公开的 publ 人民 + ic …的 → 人民〔知情的〕→ 公开的 publication n. 出版 public 公开的 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 出版 publicity n. 公开;宣传 public 公开的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 公开;宣传 publish v. 出版;公开 publ 人民 + ish 使… → 使…进入人民当中 → 出版;公开
popularize 记忆方法
popular 流行的 + ize …化 → 大众化;推广
1、 At this point,Goethe was already a well-known author,so he was easily able to popularize this idea of primary colors,and specifically the idea of red,yellow and blue as THE primary colors.
- That view is shared by rivals , including microsoft corp.and google inc. , which are working to popularize their own software platforms for cellphones .
- 包括微软(microsoftcorp.)和谷歌(googleinc.)在内的竞争对手也同意这一看法,并争相推广自己的手机软件平台。
- He also authored numerous books , including a sci-fi novel , that further helped popularize the natural sciences .
- 他还写了很多书,包括一部科幻小说,这更进一步使得自然科学得到普及。
- I have met academic specialists who insist that alan watts , who did so much to popularize zen , did not grasp the authentic meaning of satori .
- 我曾经见过一些学术专家,坚称尽管alanwatts为推广禅宗贡献良多,却并没有真正理解禅悟的本意。
- So porn was also one of the first and only businesses to offer streaming videos , helping to popularize the practice elsewhere , and even spurring the development of flash technology .
- 所以色情也是第一个和唯一一个企业提供流媒体视频,并帮助推广到其他地方,甚至推动了flash技术的发展。
- In recent years , many say , he has helped popularize the idea that reducing health care costs is essential to the country 's economic future and the sustainability of the federal budget .
- 近年来很多人都说,他一直致力于推广一种观点,观点认为减少医疗卫生方面的开支对于国家经济的未来和联邦财政预算的可持续发展是十分必要的。