nonessential 核心词议:
adj. 非本质的;
n. 不重要的人;
nonessential 基本解释
1、 If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to cut back on nonessential items.
如果你的支出大于你的收入, 你需要在非基本支出中取消几项.
2、 Exclude all nonessential personnel from the farm . Visitors shower prior to entering the unit.
排除猪场中所有的非必需人员, 来访者必须淋浴后才能进入场内.
- Eliminate all the nonessential costs in your life .
- 减除你生活中一切不必要的开支。
- Parenthetical expressions add nonessential information or indicate digressions from the topic at hand .
- 插入语用来加入并非必需的资料或题外话。
- All nonessential airplane travel will stop .
- 飞机旅行将停止一切可有可无.
- Note : some nonessential user properties , such as a user description , cannot be specified in the add user wizard .
- 注意:一些不重要用户属性,如用户说明,无法在添加用户向导中指定。
- Supplying nonessential luxuries to big bases like bagram and kandahar makes it harder to get essential items to combat outposts and forward operating bases , where troops who are in the fight each day need resupply with ammunition , food and water .
- 向驻巴格拉姆和坎大哈这样的大型基地提供不必要的奢侈品会加大向驻防部队和前线运输必要补给的难度。前线士兵每天都在作战,需要不断补给弹药、食物和水。