更新时间:2024-05-13 18:08:05作者:留学之路
And plus I'm stinky today.
来源:互联网Otherwise you can only stack stinky rubbish together until it's coming next time.
来源:互联网Tom: Nice! I bought some things too. And I brought a treat : stinky tofu!
汤姆: 好极啦! 我也买了一些东西. 我给你们买来了臭豆腐!
来源:互联网They're pretty stinky apparently.
来源:互联网No way! So that's where the stinky smell is coming from.
才不要呢! 原来那股臭味就是从你那里传来的.
来源:互联网Could it be, than the stinky durian smell also?
莫非, 榴莲比臭豆腐还臭?
来源:网络期刊摘选Tender, together with the stinky tofu is also also-Hun, not greasy, it is Tianzuozhige.
嫩, 与臭豆腐在一起则是亦荤亦素, 且不油腻, 实属天作之合.
来源:互联网Stinky tofu smells rotten but it tastes great.
来源:互联网The most stinky and tasty tofu is coming to serve you!
来源:互联网Rachel used to hate stinky tofu, but has acquired a taste for it recently.
瑞秋以前很讨厌臭豆腐, 但最近开始慢慢喜欢上它的味道.