更新时间:2024-04-25 10:35:15作者:留学之路
My doctor said Botox relaxes the head and neck muscles that cause migraines.
来源:互联网Other treatments include Botox injections to the jaw muscle, and a biofeedback device called Grindcare.
来源:互联网Meg Ryan allegedly indulged in lip implants and Botox injections.
来源:互联网This contravenes Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ( MHRA ) regulations as Botox is a prescription-only drug.
这违反了药品及医疗保健用品管理部门(MHRA ) 的规定,因为A型 肉毒素制剂是一种处方药.
来源:互联网Others may have invested in cosmetic surgery, botox or laser treatments.
其他可能投资于整容手术, 肉毒杆菌或激光疗法.
来源:互联网However, there are drawbacks to Botox.
来源:互联网That would be too expensive, but you could pay for a Botox injection!
太贵了, 不过你倒是可以替我付注射肉毒杆菌的费用!
来源:互联网Now they're turning to Botox.
来源:互联网Whether it's aa boob-job or a non-invasive treatment like Botox injections, any cosmetic procedure carries risks.
不管是隆胸手术还是注射肉毒素这样的无创治疗, 任何整容都有危险.
来源:互联网What about Botox shots?
肉毒杆菌注射 呢 ?