更新时间:2024-04-25 10:29:25作者:留学之路
Bosch is renowned as consensus-driven but also as a great innovator.
来源:互联网Mono-Jetronic is the brand name of the Bosch single-point injection system ( Figure 5 ).
Mono-Jetronic是Bosch公司单点燃油喷射系统的商品名 ( 见图 ).
来源:互联网Minimum 2 years working experience in Bosch factory or BPS.
来源:互联网The injection pump is BOSCH P 7100, the supply pressure can reach 1050 bar, etc.
喷油泵采用BOSCH公司P7100型, 供油压力可达1050bar, 等等.
来源:互联网It is initially designed for the monitor and the controller of cars by Bosch in Germany.
来源:互联网Bosch, Volkswagen and Li-Tec will also be involved in the three-year project.
博世 、 大众汽车、和锂 - 技术等三家大公司也参与这一为期三年的研究项目.
来源:互联网The response of electromagnetic valve in a Bosch-made ABS was tested with and without load.
来源:互联网The difference between par-ticle mass concentration and Bosch smoke number is indicated.
来源:互联网ContactHead of Occupational Health Department Bosch ( LWA ).
负责协调 博世 集团职业健康部门的相关工作.
来源:互联网Examples include: Bosch, Bayer, Nestle, KPMG , Degussa, Schlumberger and many more.
我们的主要客户包括: 博世, 拜耳, 雀巢, 毕马威,德固赛, 斯伦贝谢等等.