更新时间:2024-04-25 09:20:44作者:留学之路
Goldie Blox toys are designed to inspire future engineers by engaging girls in a way that draws on their strong verbal and storytelling skills-while still offering opportunities to build the skills that can later translate into an interest in engineering.
Goldie Blox所设计的玩具则通过吸引女孩发展强大的口头及故事讲述能力的方式——同时仍提供机会来发展日后可转化成对工程学兴趣的技能——来鼓励和启发未来的工程师们。
来源:互联网This news is free of charge for registered users of Common Vision Blox.
来源:互联网Goldie Blox is a toy company on a mission to redefine the "pink aisle" in toy stores.
Goldie Blox是一家玩具公司,使命是重新定义玩具商店中的“粉红走道”。
来源:互联网This update is free of charge for registered users of Common Vision Blox.