更新时间:2024-04-25 08:54:09作者:留学之路
Does there exist the blessedness on another side of the star?
来源:互联网Wish our blessedness just like the creditably moon in the sky.
来源:互联网Parents are eager to hope that their children will be safety and blessedness.
来源:互联网He offers us instead , the blessedness of close , intimate communion with Himself.
来源:互联网Finally, I wish every elderly can have blessedness senectitude and I wish everyone have a happy weekend!
最后, 我祝愿所有的老人都能够拥有幸福的晚年,也祝大家周末愉快!
来源:互联网What blessedness to know that true prayer will indeed help, and be answered!
来源:互联网While blessedness could be described into several kinds of reasons, but the adversity is the same.
幸福有很多种,但不幸是相同的,是那种深埋在心底,只能自己吞下去 、 消化掉、然后再愈合的伤口.
来源:互联网If I could set eyes on your beautiful smile, that is maximal blessedness for me.
能看到你美丽的笑容, 就是我最大的幸福.
来源:互联网He is living in a state of single blessedness.
来源:互联网Oh that we understood the blessedness of saying: Be ye holy, for I am holy.
哦,但愿我们明白这话语里的祝福: “你们要圣洁, 因为我是圣洁的. ”