tawdry 核心词议:
adj. 非常华丽的;廉价而俗丽的
n. 俗丽的东西;廉价而俗丽之物
tawdry 基本解释
adj. 俗丽的,华而不实的
n. 廉价而俗丽之物;俗丽的服饰
adv. 俗丽地,华而不实地
公元7世纪时,在英国有一位名叫奥黛丽(Audrey)的公主,为了逃婚而隐居在一座名叫Ely的小岛上。公主在小岛上创建了一家修道院并自任院长。公主年轻时讲究打扮,喜欢在颈部系上名贵的蕾丝装饰物。年老时患上咽喉癌,公主便认为这是上帝对自己年轻时爱慕虚荣的惩罚。公主死后被基督教会封为圣徒,并被当地人封为该岛的保护神。在每年的公主纪念日上,岛上都会有热闹的集市。集市上卖的最多的商品就是妇女所用的各种颈部修饰品,如项链、蕾丝等。小贩们高声叫卖:“St.Andrey’s lace”(圣奥黛丽的蕾丝),最后逐渐演变为tawdry lace。由于公主因为臭美而遭到上帝惩罚,并且小贩们所卖的这种小饰品通常廉价而又俗气,因此tawdry lace就被人用来表示“廉价而又俗丽的东西”,有时候缩略为tawdry。
tawdry 变化形式
比较级: tawdrier
最高级: tawdriest
tawdry 俗气的,花里胡哨的
来自 tawdry,女用丝巾,缩写自 tawdry lace,改写自 St.Audrey' lace,来自英国 7 世纪北方王国 Northumbria 皇后 St.Audrey,在其纪念日 Oct.17 每年集会通常会有类似丝巾出售,据说是因 于她喉咙上长有一个肿瘤,因此需佩带丝巾遮盖,她最后也死于该肿瘤。由于戴这种丝巾的 人太多,引申词义俗气的,花里故哨的。
1、 Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications,exotic rites and vacation photos.
- Before this the game had a fairly tawdry and wild reputation , to the extent that play was prohibited , now and then , by royal decree .
- 在此之前的游戏已经相当花哨和野生声誉,以至于被起禁止而今而后,由皇家法令.
- Prior to this the game had a fairly tawdry and wild reputation , to the extent that it was prohibited , now and then , by royal decree .
- 在此之前的游戏已经相当花哨和野生声誉,以至于它被禁止而今而后,由皇家法令.
- Earlier to this the game had a fairly tawdry and wild reputation , to the extent that it was prohibited , now and then , by the king .
- 这个游戏早已经相当花哨和野生声誉,以至于它被禁止而今而后,由国王.
- Earlier to this the game had a rather tawdry and fierce name , to the extent that play was prohibited , now and then , by royal decree .
- 这个游戏早已经相当花哨的名字和激烈,以至于被起禁止而今而后,由皇家法令.
- Earlier to this the game had a somewhat tawdry and fierce reputation , to the extent that play was prohibited , now and then , by royal decree .
- 这个游戏早已经有点花哨的声誉和激烈,以至于被起禁止而今而后,由皇家法令.