Albee 核心词议:
n. 阿尔比,爱德华·富兰克林(生于 1928) 美国剧作家。最著名的作品为<谁怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙> (1962年),他于1967年和1975年分别以 <优美的平衡> 和 <海景> 两度获普利策奖)
Albee 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Perhaps the mob , as albee suspects ?
- 也许是暴徒就像albee猜的?
- Evaluation of the modified albee arthroplasty for femoral head loss secondary to septic arthritis in young children .
- 关节成形术治疗儿童继发于化脓性髋关节炎股骨头缺如的疗效评估。
- The american dream written by edward albee , a leading figure of the new drama of the absurd , depicts , by means of symbols and metaphors , the dream of the americans and even the human beings and their disllusion .
- 美国荒诞派戏剧家爱德华阿尔比的《美国梦》,用象征、隐喻的手法,写出了美国乃至人类共同的梦想和幻灭。
- Under the influence of european play of the absurd , edward albee , an american playwright combined the american social reality with the techniques of european absurd play and created the absurd play with american characteristics .
- 美国剧作家爱德华。阿尔比受欧洲荒诞派戏剧的影响,结合美国社会现实,创造了独特的美国荒诞派戏剧。
- Perhaps the mob , as albee suspects ?
- 也许是暴徒就像albee猜的?
- Evaluation of the modified albee arthroplasty for femoral head loss secondary to septic arthritis in young children .
- 关节成形术治疗儿童继发于化脓性髋关节炎股骨头缺如的疗效评估。
- The american dream written by edward albee , a leading figure of the new drama of the absurd , depicts , by means of symbols and metaphors , the dream of the americans and even the human beings and their disllusion .
- 美国荒诞派戏剧家爱德华阿尔比的《美国梦》,用象征、隐喻的手法,写出了美国乃至人类共同的梦想和幻灭。
- Under the influence of european play of the absurd , edward albee , an american playwright combined the american social reality with the techniques of european absurd play and created the absurd play with american characteristics .
- 美国剧作家爱德华。阿尔比受欧洲荒诞派戏剧的影响,结合美国社会现实,创造了独特的美国荒诞派戏剧。