again and again 核心词议:
phr. <英>再三地, 反复地;连声;累次;三番两次
again and again基本解释
<英>再三地, 反复地;连声;累次;三番两次
again and again的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The reason flu keeps infecting us again and again is that the virus is constantly changing .
- 流感能够反复感染我们的原因在于病毒的不断变化。
- You know very well that you cannot make the bus come sooner by looking at your watch again and again .
- 你非常清楚的知道,即使你一再看表,也不能使车提前来。
- Economics tells us that even though you have partially conflicting interests when the situation is repeated again and again you can co-operate by the use of mutual threats .
- 经济学理论告诉我们,即使你们在某种程度上存在利益冲突,但当这种情形再三重复出现时,你们可以通过相互威胁来进行合作。
- As we found again and again during our investigation officials often are reluctant to make such an acknowledgement .
- 但我们在调查中屡次发现,官员们通常不愿承认这些。
- Over the last two years I 've been struck again and again by the apparent disconnect between the discourse in germany and the discourse elsewhere in europe and the world .
- 在过去的两年里,由于德国的演讲已与欧洲其他国家乃至是整个世界明显分离,我的研究屡屡受挫。
- To calm anxious bank of east asia customers top government officials told hong kong again and again that rumours surrounding the lender were unfounded and the banking system was sound and stable .
- 为了平息东亚银行客户的担忧,香港政府高级官员反复告诫市民:围绕该行的谣言毫无根据,香港的银行体系健全并且稳定。
- The duration of copyrights an idea closely related to patents has been extended again and again by governments captured by vested interests .
- 版权它是与专利权紧密相连的一项观念的存续期间也由被既得利益所俘获的政府一再延长。
- Very useful template files helping you not to start always from big fat zero.and code everything again and again - now you can spend more time adding new features and think more about design then reiterative process .
- 非常有用的模板文件,帮助您不是反复地从零开始编写代码-现在您可以花费更多的时间来天下新的特征和考虑如何设计,然后是反复的过程。
- The mexican presidency did a lot to reassure countries that their opinions were being heard and that there were no secret talks-within-talks subverting the process ; again and again in the final plenary ms espinosa and her colleagues
- 墨西哥政府也保证听取各国的意见,暗地里不会有阻止会议进程的会中会---作了许多努力;会议结束阶段,espinosa女士和她的同事因为他们的透明和公开公正一再受到各方的赞赏。
- That scenario has played out in my own life again and again .
- 同样的剧情在我的人生里一遍又一遍上演。