

更新时间:2024-01-13 21:27:25作者:留学之路

adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的

crucial 基本解释
adj. 关键性的,极其显要的;决定性的;十字形的

速记技巧 词根词缀法 词根:cruc=cross,表示"十字形,交叉"adj.crucial至关重要的,决定性的cruc十字形,交叉+ial…的→十字路口→决定性的 谐音记忆法 还可以谐音:可入手,在至关紧要的时刻可入手。
crucial相关的词根或词缀是: cruccrus


cruc 十字形;交叉 + ial …的 → 在十字路口的 → 关键的

词语搭配 词语搭配 crucial与以下词性连用 n. crucial decision 重要决策 crucial development 重要发展 crucial role 关键作用 crucial skill 关键技能 crucial stage 重要阶段 crucial to something 对…至关重要的 单词辨析 词根 cruc(i), crus= cross 十字形;交叉 crucial adj. 关键的;十字形的 cruc 十字形;交叉 + ial …的 → 在十字路口的 → 关键的 cruciform adj. 十字形的 cruci 十字形;交叉 + form 形状 → 十字形的 crucify v. 钉在十字架上;折磨 cruc 十字形;交叉 + ify 使… → 使在十字架上 → 折磨 crusade n. 十字军;改革运动 crus 十字形;交叉 + ade 表行动的个人或团体 → 十字军 crux n. 难点;关键 crux〔crus 的变体〕→ 十字路口 → 关键 excruciate v. 受酷刑;拷打 ex 加强 + cruci 十字形;交叉 + ate 做,造成,使… → 钉在十字架上 → 受酷刑 excruciation n. 酷刑,拷问 excruciate的名词
essential vital crucial critical decisive indispensable These words all describe sb/sth that is extremely important and completely necessary because a particular situation or activity depends on them. 以上各词均表示极其重要、完全必要、必不可少。 essential extremely important and completely necessary, because without it sth cannot exist, be made or be successful 指极其重要的、完全必要的、必不可少的: Experience is essential for this job. 对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。 vital essential 指极其重要的、完全必要的、必不可少的: The police play a vital role in our society. 警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。 用essential还是vital? There is no real difference in meaning between these words and they can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there can be a slight difference in tone. Essential is used to state a fact or opinion with authority. Vital is often used when there is some anxiety felt about sth, or a need to persuade sb that a fact or opinion is true, right or important. Vital is less often used in negative statements. 以上两词在意义上无实质区别,均可与相同的名词连用,并使用相同的结构,只是在语气上稍有区别。essential用以说明事实或表明权威意见,vital常用于对某事感到忧虑或需要使人信服某一事实或意见确实、正确或重要等情况。vital较少用于否定句: It was vital to show that he was not afraid. 他表现得毫无畏惧是十分重要的。 Money is not vital to happiness. crucial extremely important because a particular situation or activity depends on it 指至关重要的、关键的: It is crucial that we get this right. 我们把这个问题弄明白是极其重要的。 critical extremely important because a particular situation or activity depends on it 指至关重要的、关键的: Your decision is critical to our future. 你的决定对我们的将来至关重要。 用crucial还是critical? There is no real difference in meaning between these words and they can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there is sometimes a slight difference in context. Critical is often used in technical matters of business or science; crucial is often used to talk about matters that may cause a
crucial 记忆方法
crucial相关的词根或词缀是: cruccrus


cruc 十字形;交叉 + ial …的 → 在十字路口的 → 关键的

中文词源: crucial 关键性的 来自cross,十字,分叉口,引申义关键的。 crucial
1、 The battle had reached a crucial juncture.
2、 This last point is crucial.
1、 It has become a crucial part of employees' overall work experience.
1、 [N] Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial date.
1、 The zoology program at my university attracts students for whom zoo visits were the crucial formative experience that led them to major in biological sciences.

Global collaboration is crucial to success .
But the most crucial factor may be bureaucracy .
China is crucial to asia 's fortunes .
Being a favoured trading partner might be the crucial reward .
Buying bank shares on the open market is a crucial but more controversial part of my proposal .



关于2018年gre1月份考试时间出来了吗的问题简单回答一下,希望可以帮助到你。 2018年大陆地区共有GRE考试共有29场GRE考试,考生们也可登陆GRE教育部考试中心网站进行查询和报名

2021-06-02 16:27


1、GRE的查分具体步骤,可以到GRE官网查询分数,具体按照下面第4条的步骤操作。 2、在GRE官网上注册的考生,不用重新注册,可以拿报名时候的NEEA ID登录。 3、考试注册号,是考生完

2021-05-30 20:12


已经出来了,我刚查过。进到教育部报名网站后点已注册考试,下面有一个查分的链接,是ETS官方的查分网,注册一下就能查了 GRE考试怎么报名? GRE(Graduate Record Examination),是美国

2021-05-30 18:43

请问什么是GRE Sub啊?这个考试有哪些科目?是什么时

感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy) GRE Subject Test即GRE专项考试,其测试内容为考试者在某一学科领域或专业领域内所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低,从而帮助院校更好地了解

2021-05-30 15:10


如果打算申请美国前五十的学校,最低至少要考320分 下图是美国排名前100的学校的GRE分数的截图 GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用

2021-05-30 00:26


不用打印也不用带上,带上身份证就可以了。 GRE的分数: 分数区间 改革后数学为130-170,语文为130-170,写作为0-6分。最低130+130+0,最高170+170+6。 满分考生 中国大陆考生在Verba

2021-05-29 21:03
