

更新时间:2024-01-13 21:09:31作者:留学之路

adj. 钝的;迟钝的;直率的
v. 使迟钝;变钝

blunt 基本解释
adj. 钝的,不锋利的;迟钝的;直率的;呆板的
vt. 使迟钝;使钝
n. 钝的东西;小雪茄烟

速记技巧 谐音联想法 谐音:不烂的 剁不烂的,说明你的刀不行,很钝的。引申为迟钝、直率的。 词源词根法 【词源解释】可能来自古挪威语blundra(闭上眼睛)=【同源词】blind(盲目的);blunder(犯愚蠢错误)=【助记窍门】blunt→blind(盲目的)→不尖→钝的、粗(鲁)的。或blunt→谐音“不烂的”→(刀)切不烂肉的→钝的


honest frank direct open outspoken straight blunt These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts. 以上各词均形容人坦率、坦诚。 honest not hiding the truth about sth 指坦率的、坦诚的: Thank you for being so honest with me. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。 frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like 指坦率的、直率的(有时可能不讨人喜欢): To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam. 坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。 direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand 指直接的、直率的、坦率的: You'll have to get used to his direct manner. 你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。 注释 Being direct is sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that sb is rude. direct有时被认为含褒义,但有时是以礼貌的方式表示某人有些粗鲁。 open ( approving ) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden 指为人诚恳的、坦诚的、直率的: He was quite open about his reasons for leaving. 他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。 outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people 指直率的、坦诚的、直言不讳的: She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan. 她对该计划的批评直言不讳。 straight honest and direct 指坦诚的、直率的: I don't think you're being straight with me. 我觉得你没跟我坦诚相见。 blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite 指嘴直的、直言不讳的: She has a reputation for blunt speaking. 她说话出了名的直截了当。
Honest and frank refer to what you say as much as how you say it. honest和frank既指说话方式,也指说话内容: an honest/a frank admission of guilt 坦承有错 They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be too frank in a way that other people might not like. 两词基本上含褒义,尽管有可能过分直率而不讨人喜欢。 Direct , outspoken and blunt all describe sb's manner of saying what they think. Outspoken suggests that you are willin
blunt 变化形式
第三人称单数: blunts
过去式: blunted
过去分词: blunted
现在分词: blunting
比较级: blunter
最高级: bluntest
易混淆的单词: Blunt

中文词源: blunt 钝的 词源同blind. 原指眼盲,不敏感,心理迟钝。后指物体钝化。 blunt
1、 The edge is as blunt as an old butter knife.

Globe rupture can occur secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma .
In sad contrast sharp , like the rest of japan 's electronics industry , has gone blunt .
The line maneuvers between three strange arete-features , a more blunt one of the right , and a two more prominent ones on the left .
The main problem is that the capacitive screen for the ipad , which is designed to work well with the blunt instrument that is the human finger , doesn 't quite cut it with handwriting .
And at heart , business is not about theory , or white papers , or even blunt articles such as this one .



关于2018年gre1月份考试时间出来了吗的问题简单回答一下,希望可以帮助到你。 2018年大陆地区共有GRE考试共有29场GRE考试,考生们也可登陆GRE教育部考试中心网站进行查询和报名

2021-06-02 16:27


1、GRE的查分具体步骤,可以到GRE官网查询分数,具体按照下面第4条的步骤操作。 2、在GRE官网上注册的考生,不用重新注册,可以拿报名时候的NEEA ID登录。 3、考试注册号,是考生完

2021-05-30 20:12


已经出来了,我刚查过。进到教育部报名网站后点已注册考试,下面有一个查分的链接,是ETS官方的查分网,注册一下就能查了 GRE考试怎么报名? GRE(Graduate Record Examination),是美国

2021-05-30 18:43

请问什么是GRE Sub啊?这个考试有哪些科目?是什么时

感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy) GRE Subject Test即GRE专项考试,其测试内容为考试者在某一学科领域或专业领域内所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低,从而帮助院校更好地了解

2021-05-30 15:10


如果打算申请美国前五十的学校,最低至少要考320分 下图是美国排名前100的学校的GRE分数的截图 GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用

2021-05-30 00:26


不用打印也不用带上,带上身份证就可以了。 GRE的分数: 分数区间 改革后数学为130-170,语文为130-170,写作为0-6分。最低130+130+0,最高170+170+6。 满分考生 中国大陆考生在Verba

2021-05-29 21:03
