kickoff 核心词议:
n. (足球)开球,(社会集会等)开始
kickoff 基本解释
1、 During the kickoff,the team structures were discussed and mapped out for the next release.
2、 This effort started with the kickoff agile workshop, using Rational Team Concert as the tool of choice.
这一工作以开始敏捷研讨会为起始,使用Rational Team Concert作为首选工具。
- Each one has its own player kickoff party , regular co-ed marketing events and social perks that include concert tickets and movie passes .
- 每项赛事都有自己的选手启动派对,定期的男女选手市场营销活动,以及包括音乐会和电影入场券等社交津贴。
- The presidents had agreed to come , not only to celebrate the peace breakthrough , but also to participate in the public kickoff of the campaign for nafta the next day .
- 几位前总统同意到场,不仅是为了庆祝和平事业的突破性进展,也是为了参加次日举行的《北美自由贸易协定》宣传活动的公开启动仪式。
- There are countless other variables that I can 't even begin to consider here -- but this study is at least fascinating as a conversation-starter and a kickoff for future research .
- 还有很多数不清的其他变量,在这里我甚至无法去考虑它们--但这项研究作为一个对话的开始以及未来研究的启动是十分吸引人的。
- Earth hour is officially the kickoff for the wwf 's campaign to get world leaders to agree on a global deal at un climate talks in december 2009 , but it has morphed into much more than that .
- “地球一小时”标志着wwf正式启动了一项活动的宣传,即在2009年12月的联合国气候讨论中让世界领导人能够达成一致的全球行动,不过,它已经演化得远远不仅于此。
- The kickoff committee should plan an event which includes some combination of high-profile speakers , an explanation of the program , testimonials from people who participated in pilot study circles , and breakout study circle sessions .
- 启动委员会应安排一个仪式,内容包括邀请一些较高知名度的演说家进行演讲,对整个计划进行详细解说,参加初步研究者发表感言,并发动研究小组的讨论。