

更新时间:2021-06-26 06:50:51作者:admin2

选ESL吧 ESL Studies一般是能考90分以上的人冲高分才选的,因为没有scale down。英语不是特别好的人读的话一般分数比ESL成绩sd完了还低的。悉尼会计比较好的学校还有UNSW新南威尔士大学和UWS西悉尼大学,不过后者综合排名一般。





  Full Fee Scholarships

  The University may award Full Fee Scholarships to outstanding international students from any country to undertake postgraduate research。

  Benefits are payment of full tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only)。
   No other allowances are provided。






  Full Fee Scholarships will ONLY be allocated to international applicants who have been awarded a stipend by the host School, Faculty, or Research Institute。
   Applicants must also meet the minimum English Language Proficiency requirements for direct entry to their academic program, hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree, and rank competitively against successful applicants in the current International Scholarship Order of Merit list。




  Under normal circumstances Full Fee Scholarships will not be provided for students who seek a second (or subsequent) degree which is at the same level, or at a lower level, than the highest one they already hold。
   However under exceptional circumstances a scholarship may be considered if at least five years have lapsed since the first comparable award was attained and the student can identify a major change in discipline。




  Applicants must be nominated by their Principal Supervisor and Executive Dean。 Applications will be considered at any time。

  Supervisors wishing to nominate students for Full Fee Scholarships should read Application to Establish a Full Fee Scholarship。
   For advice/assistance completing the 2 required application forms ('Full Fee Scholarship Establishment Form' AND 'Proposal to Establish a Departmental or Externally Funded Scholarship') please contact a Senior Scholarships and Finance Officer at the Adelaide Graduate Centre。




  希望提名学生申请全额费用奖学金的导师可以参阅Application to Establish a Full Fee Scholarship。
   如在填表('Full Fee Scholarship Establishment Form' AND 'Proposal to Establish a Departmental or Externally Funded Scholarship')中希望得到建议或帮助请联系阿德莱德大学研究生中心的高级奖学金及财务办公室。


ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 06:30

ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 06:13

ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 06:06

ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 06:06

ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 06:04

ST.john's university的排名

普林斯顿2010—人文科学 第22名  Princeton 2010- Analytical Chemistry 第29名  普林斯顿2010—双语和多语种教育 第29名  普林斯顿2010—社会学师范教育 第39名 普

2021-06-26 05:57
